Story of My life

4 min readJun 28, 2021

When it is the time to share your story to the world

My beautiful moment with nature and friends

Hi!. As I am writing this piece of story, I am really confused to start from which point and to end it. Then I got this idea, Let’s start and travel through 5 steps where situation, challenges and solutions have upgraded while traveling from one step to next. These are:

  1. Listening
  2. Knowing
  3. Understanding
  4. Learning
  5. Implementation

Step 1:- Listening

When I was 6 years old,(I ‘m a 90’s human) I used to bite my nails all the time and one day my father sat and explained to me why I shouldn’t and I do not remember in what ways he explained to mold a 6 year old mind to stop and I stopped immediately. Seeing that my father was shocked, How did she even stop her habit that she had for a long time. When I realized that i stopped it after 3 months, subconsciously I have started to listen more and ask less. I just did what i listened and completed my child hood. So in this step, there is no chance to even know why I should do this.

This lead to the second step, Knowing

Step 2:- Knowing

Knowing is one of the powerful tools I used, to groom my curiosity into another level. This time, I had the guts to question some one what is the purpose behind doing this. This step came with additional sub steps like which are good and bad for me.I ignored the motive because curiosity was stepping ahead and made me to ask various questions, knowing the world around me and challenges that I can solve with the best of my capacity.

It made me a skilled person to do any work and made me determined and confident that I can do anything and I can Change the world by just merely knowing everything. This is where the real challenge already started and I did not realize. I was in toxic friendship for 4 years and took me one year to understand that I was in bad company all this time. That one year, I saw a whole different person in myself and this pushed me into the most crucial and current step of my life: Understanding

Step 3:- Understanding

Coming from a middle class Indian family, Like every other 90’s kid, you do and try to achieve what your parents told and motivated you to become a person to survive in this society. Thanks to my parents , where we had mutual agreement on my levels of freedom and eventually understood how my mind works since childhood.

This is when I realized the power of understanding in life. Understanding myself is one of the life changing experiences that I ever did and it made me to think on the levels of what is good and what is bad for me. Here, I understood that I am a slow learner about myself but subconsciously, I have reached to the step of synchronizing above 3 steps with a smooth flow and ready to phase any challenge in emotional and logical worlds. This lead to 4th step — Learning

Step 4:- Learning

Learning stage came to me after crossing the entrance level evaluation at the end of understanding gate. This skill, Learning has led me to use above 3 steps when a situation or challenge came and I have solved and embraced them.
One thing I understood is learning something never happens by merely doing any of the step above. I have to involve and implement all the above tools to work and get the desired outcome.

Now for the last and final step: Implementation or ( Application)

Step 5:- Implementation

Implementation is where I used my previous learning experience and I am trying to work to solve a challenge and change my situations on daily basis. Here’s the fun part!!!

Now I have an empty mind and eliminated the current obstacles to run my life on my rules. In any of the above steps, I never told you i asked someone or my parents or friends what was happening in my life while going through various stages because, I know the more I involve people , there are high chances that they might take advantage of my vulnerability and try to fill my mind with all the possible solutions they have. Yes! It’s correct to take advice from your well wishers but it was hard for me to explain that which stage I was in because I never used the above steps in permutations and combinations to the challenges I faced.

Final Thoughts

I am this type of person who tried to self analyze my mind a lot and I have written here the tools i used to change my life forever. This is where , I got the courage to share my story and I will work to achieve all my goals and reach to the moon.

I may not have used a whole lot of beautiful and skilled sounding english words because this is my life and I like to keep it simple. So Let’s keep it simple and happy!!




Simple, Mind blowing and ready to enjoy the way life takes me